Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138081-138100 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800sportradarFetch sports data from the Sportradar.US API.
102,5800threecastThreecast is a CLI gem that scrapes the latest news from the big three cable networks: ...
102,5800unifacopA rubocop configuration gem for UniFa Coding Style Guide.
102,5800radiant-dutch_language_pack-extensionAdds Dutch translations to the Radiant CMS interface.
102,5800simple_metrics-clientSimple Metrics Ruby Client
102,5800allpurposeGet a freight cost estimate from AllPurpose Removals and Storage
102,5800orichalcumReadline is a really useful library for textual user interfaces. Unfortunately, the Rub...
102,5800pry-buffersUse buffers to edit and execute arbitrary code
102,5800signoresignore helps manage email signatures and select random ones based on their tags
102,5800anixe_csvas above
102,5800multi-selectA gem to integrate Jquery multi-select js
102,5800visionmedia-drupalDrupal is an open source Ruby development tool allowing developers to quickly generate ...
102,5800advertnetAdvertNet is a Rails application that manages a network of advertising boards. The boar...
102,5800ruby-taglib2Ruby bindings for Taglib's C Library
102,5800zooppa_api_v3Wrapper for the Zooppa api v3
102,5800appbaseioappbaseio ruby rest client
102,5800railshosterEasily deploy your Rails app to RailsHoster.com by using this gem.
102,5800vj-sdkVideojuicer core-sdk
102,5800RunLengthEncodingA simple algorithm for compressing text