Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138041-138060 of all 180,469 gems.
50,1070track_rateKeep track of open/click rates
50,1070upperkutBatch background processing tool
50,1070hola_kwick6A simple hello world gem
50,1070yonduSettings object for extending configuration
50,1070ccs-providerprovider is ths first version
50,1070number_to_loveA wrapper around number_to_human
50,1070ocsvInspired by a Tweet, generates and reads files with fields delimited by the Oxford Comma.
50,1070rails-tagged-syslogA simple wrapper to use Rails Tagged Logging with Syslog
50,1070gnuplotterGnuPlotter is a wrapper around gnuplot.
50,1070english_county_selectRails select helper for English Counties
50,1070sensu-plugins-mongodbThis plugin provides native MongoDB instrumentation for m...
50,1070dwilkie-foreignerAllows you to add foreign keys to your migrations and enforce them
50,1070smartgen_action_viewThis gem gives you all the power of ActionView when rendering files in smartgen, such a...
50,1070ipizza-omniauth-providerIntegrates iPizza authentication to your rails app almost effortlessly
50,1070hola_calophiA simple hello world gem
50,1070omniauth-netflixNetflix strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
50,1070redis-scriptedA Ruby client that supports the experimental scripting feature of Redis
50,1070sequel-fusiontablesFusion Tables adapter for Sequel
50,1070sinatra-restGenerates RESTful routes for the models of a Sinatra application (ActiveRecord, DataMap...
50,1070property_synthesize_deallocCreates property, synthesize and dealloc statements from selected ivar declarations for...