Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139341-139360 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382liquid_renderer-mudspotLiquidRenderer adds liquid renderer and option to include liquid filters like Rails hel...
110,0382funcgenCLI tool for Agilent function generators.
110,0382logger_plusLogger Plus allows any additional information to be passed in the log method
110,0382cnesCliente HTTP do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde
110,0382warningsWarnings provides a searchable and more readable Warning Message facility for Ruby. Wit...
110,0382jvoorhis-lucene_queryQuery builder for the Lucene (and Solr) search engine.
110,0382dropkick-railsThe DropKick JS dropdown styling library packaged for the rails 3 asset pipeline
110,0382boursoramaBoursorama Ruby API
110,0382tiny_apnsAn ultra lightweight library for handling Apple Push Notification (APNS)
110,0382localocracy-remitAn API for using the Amazon Flexible Payment Service (FPS).
110,0382fast-tcpnYou can model your Timed Colored Petri Net in Ruby using convenient DSL and simulate it...
110,0382logstash-codec-collectd_jsonThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
110,0382resque-railsThe railtie for setup resque. It provides an initializer and rake tasks.
110,0382faker-fantasyRandom place and regions names for Faker
110,0382multi-analytics-turbolinksThis gem adds support for turbolinks to Google Analytics, Baidu Tongji & Bing UET t...
110,0382sekitori-searchSUMO Sekitori Search Client.
110,0382node-webkit-bootstrapA minimal bootstraping app for node-wekbit.
110,0382imageImage, a small image processing library
110,0382annotated-railsY.a. Rails models annotation
110,0382thaistockThis is a simple gem that read and extract current asset of stocks in Thailand from www...