Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139361-139380 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382filenames_setVery simple class to ensure that filenames are unique. If you are generating files into...
110,0382jwhitmire-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
110,0382jwthompson2-vzagentRuby library for interfacing with Parallels' Virtuozzo Agent APIs.
110,0382refinerycms-jquery_galleryRuby on Rails Jquery Gallery extension for Refinery CMS
110,0382contentflowContentFlow is a flexible CoverflowTM / ImageFlow like flow written in javascript, whic...
110,0382rack-coderayThis Rack middleware component uses the CodeRay gem to automatically format code syntax...
110,0382fundraising_crowd_fundThis gem allows you to raise funds for projects. Projects can either lose or gain funds...
110,0382hyrax-aclAccess Control List models and support for Hyrax
110,0382tumugi-plugin-webhookWebHook plugin for tumugi
110,0382ffi-hunspell-wtchappellRuby FFI bindings for the Hunspell spell checker and multi-dictionary support.
110,0382ibanatorA simple IBAN validator
110,0382plinesPlines sits on top of Qless and makes it easy to define and run a pipeline of jobs.
110,0382sauceless-jekyll-themeA short description of my theme
110,0382dakineTranslates English to Hawaiian Pidgin English
110,0382kdonovan-aasmAASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
110,0382alimento0101069937Calculo de nutrientes de un alimento
110,0382gamercardA Simple & Straightforward XBox Live Gamercard parser.
110,0382easy_jqgridsimply generates jqgrid view by config
110,0382my_shippingThis is to customize fedex gem