Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140221-140240 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051job_queueJobQueue means you don't have to worry about your queue any more!
103,2051jp_stock_ruleJpStockRule is a utility for stock markets in Japan.
103,2051mongestryMongestry is Ancestry for Mongo, build for ORM Mongoid
103,2051bio-primer3Primer3-related Ruby code - wrappers, Boulder IO, etc.
103,2051sensu-pushA utility for executing Sensu Go checks on systems that cannot run the Sensu Go Agent
103,2051rubastemeSimple Abstract Syntax Tree and a parser for Scheme, which is intended to be a part of ...
103,2051ghcurlDownload files and install from Github releases.
103,2051pnap_network_apiNetworks API Ruby Gem
103,2051daimon-dekaDaimon::Deka is RuboCop configuration gem
103,2051cordylineA simple hello world gem
103,2051heroku_tasksBundle of rake tasks to manage staging/production heroku deploy.
103,2051humanshumans.txt helper
103,2051simple_form_with_client_validationsimple_form with client validations
103,2051rl_hiya_rarThis displays a greeting
103,2051leap_web_coreThis web interface provides various administrative tools for the leap platform through ...
103,2051grapiRuby client for unofficial Google Reader API
103,2051salesforce_connectorUse Omniauth OAuth authentification strategy and REST API with httparty
103,2051jquery_sortable_treeDrag&Drop GUI, inline node editing and new node creating. Ready for Rails 4
103,2051hola_nhm37Nathaniels test to learn how to make a Ruby Gem
103,2051searchkonAdvanced activerecord search/filter command