Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140241-140260 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731omniauth-prestodoctorOmniAuth strategy for PrestoDoctor
110,9731arendelleA simple gem for creating mostly frozen objects. Useful for configuration-like objects.
110,9731disclaimerRedirects users to a disclaimer document until the user accepts the disclaimer.
110,9731bittyActiveRecord plugin for rich bitfields
110,9731sendcatFor use the sendl gem. This gem will be filled out soon.
110,9731iterationlabs-rarffRarff is a Ruby library for dealing with Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files. A...
110,9731cab2xmlCabocha to XML.
110,9731point2dDefines some operations on 2d points
110,9731bitcoin_op_returnA simple gem for you to send op_return into the bitcoin blockchain with ruby
110,9731rspec_timeouttimes out your rspec tests so that they can't take too long to run
110,9731reflowYou really mean `gem install git_reflow`. It's okay. I'll fix it for you this one last ...
110,9731debug_methodsDebugMethods is a module that lets you define environment specific methods in your Ru...
110,9731package_detectorDetect app package from the directory structure.
110,9731open_eventsAn open-source repository of events listings web scrapers and tools
110,9731checkDateCheck dates before a date
110,9731activity_mapperA framework for aggregating (public) social activity into a single polymorphic persiste...
110,9731brainy_zip_scraperSave zip code data to CSV
110,9731kraken-jsAn application structure for for backbone.js, based on backbone-marionette.js
110,9731myholaA simple gem to open the door to riches