Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140301-140320 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800sprockets_zeptojsZepto.js for rails
102,5800runthered_rubyWrapper library for calling Run The Red's HTTP gateway from ruby.
102,5800SentencemateA toolset for manipulating and utilizing long text strings. Useful for analyzing user i...
102,5800SlavkataParse .srt files
102,5800robinboening-fleximageFleximage is a Rails plugin that tries to make image uploading and rendering super easy.
102,5800praetorianPraetorian makes duplicating user management features a breeze for any rails applicatio...
102,5800synchronizableSynchronizable is a generic way to provide per-object thread safety
102,5800studio_game_riverronThis is an example application used in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course.
102,5800prolog-blocklyProlog Blockly
102,5800peatio-arkPeatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube
102,5800visit_counter_updaterExtending VisitCounter to stage all data to DB
102,5800omniauth-suzuriOmniAuth strategy for SUZURI
102,5800xhtmlA gem to emulate CGI functions for XHTML coding
102,5800recurly-js-railsRails 3.1+ asset gem for recurly-js
102,5800rinterceptorit is a inheritable, reusable AOP framework with regex rule support, let your intercept...
102,5800nimbleshop_coreProvides core e-commerce support to nimbleShop
102,5800smtp_tlsProvides SMTP STARTTLS support for Ruby 1.8.6 (built-in for 1.8.7+). Simply require 's...
102,5800rulezillaRules DSL
102,5800activerecord_cursor_paginationActiveRecord extension for cursor based pagination.
102,5800rickrolling_rouletteRickroll Roulette will bring a new dimension of UI/UX enjoyment to your site.