Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140281-140300 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051lita-financeFinancial data handler for Lita
103,2051mlj-unicode_normalization_validationA Unicode Normalization Form validation plugin for Rails
103,2051menualu0100813272Lenguajes de dominio especifico
103,2051delayed_job_bugsnagPlugin for integration BugSnag with DelayedJob.
103,2051resque-statsdWill add a counter for enqueuing, performing, failing and timing Jobs
103,2051shellexShell execution made easy and secure
103,2051IMAPCleanseIMAPCleanse removes old, read, unflagged messages from your IMAP mailboxes so you don't...
103,2051humanapiAPI client for HumanAPI
103,2051nomnomnom-clientA Notification/Exeception handler for Chef.
103,2051sequel_rails3This gem allows you to easily use sequel instead of activerecord with rails 3.x.x
103,2051sedaFamiliar Methods From Underscore and Lodash Ported Over To Ruby
103,2051msurfas_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
103,2051githookA Ruby DSL for defining your very own Github bot. The lingua franca for the DSL is Gith...
103,2051hola_hughfmA simple hello world gem
103,2051rocket_pays_rails_apiGem used to integration with RokcetPays
103,2051fastlane-plugin-xcode_log_parserConvert the Xcode plist log to a JUnit report
103,2051hamburgDescription of Hamburg.
103,2051introductionOne more way of introduction.
103,2051revertible_paper_trailThis project adds undo/redo functionality to PaperTrail
103,2051dsendDiscord bot message sender