Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140261-140280 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731brainy_zip_scraperSave zip code data to CSV
110,9731kraken-jsAn application structure for for backbone.js, based on backbone-marionette.js
110,9731myholaA simple gem to open the door to riches
110,9731git_branch_cleanerDeletes remote branches merged in origin/master
110,9731sinatra-sseSinatra support for server sent events
110,9731ava_scaffold_generatorscaffold generator for avasys corp.
110,9731licence-acceptanceLicense Acceptance Gem Longer
110,9731gitlabartyCan only do issue's CRUD actions. I might work on this more, I might not.
110,9731kadirA simple hello world gem
110,9731acts_as_mailablePlugin/gem that provides custom email templates and mailing functionality
110,9731hola_tevuz10A simple hello world gem
110,9731barbershopbarberhsop gem - make your own (pixel) punk hair style incl. mohawk, wild & crazy, shor...
110,9731mobpagePage Object DSL for iOS and Android mobile testing
110,9731cloudflare_localizableIf you're using CloudFlare you can easily get the location of your requests ...
110,9731snazzyA Snazzy README API generator built on SourceKitten
110,9731culturecode-holidaysA collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a h...
110,9731capistrano-froxlorAdd Froxlor cli functions to capistrano. This gem does not deploy Froxlor itself.
110,9731capistrano-mailnoteA gem for Capistrano email release note.
110,9731madderlibMadderLib : a Sentence-Building DSL for the easily amused
110,9731capistrano-sshSSH tasks for Capistrano v3.*