Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140361-140380 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920rcorRuby based concordion
95,5920grillImplant Gemfile into your script
95,5920dummy_test_patternDummy testing pattern helper gem.
95,5920tdreyno-staticmaticStatic sites, the Merb Way
95,5920carmensIncludes data from the Debian iso-data project.
95,5920sidestepSimple gem to load one specific controller on demand
95,5920saucy-kissRecord Saucy SaaS events to KISSmetrics
95,5920dgp-schedule_attributesConverts to/from date & time inputs for managing scheduled models.
95,5920sugar_refineryThe Ruby Sugar Refinery is a collection of tiny refinements (declarative local core ext...
95,5920differinDiff files with multiple engines and renderers.
95,5920stairwayEasy and intuitive step by step processing of your business logic.
95,5920rgovdataConsuming government-published data in a ruby or rails application shouldn't require a PhD
95,5920grawlixTranslate your strings into grawlixes.
95,5920esvbibleSee ESV API docs http://www.esvapi.org/
95,5920robyThe Roby plan manager is currently developped from within the Robot Construction Kit (h...
95,5920StephanZ-fastercsvFasterCSV is intended as a complete replacement to the CSV standard library. It is sign...
95,5920hnrbA ruby interface for Hacker News API at Firebase.
95,5920rad_storeSimple Store
95,5920dolar-bnaGema para obtener cotizaciĆ³n de dolar divisa y dolar billete, obtener variaciones respe...
95,5920SQSSQS is a Ruby interface to Amazon's Simple Queue Service. SQS uses the Query API, expos...