Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140321-140340 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920rails_api_authRails API Auth is a Rails Engine that implements the "Resource Owner Password Credentia...
95,5920css_spritecss_sprite is a rails plugin/gem to generate css sprite image automatically.
95,5920telefonFormats a number into a US phone number (e.g: (555) 123-9876).
95,5920chatty_pickAutomatically appends a merge-message when cherry-picking commits across branches.
95,5920josshJossh is a wrapper around Ruby Net::SSH with a simpler interface and prettier output
95,5920sgsRuby wrapper for sgsstudentbostader.se
95,5920compassjsCompass.js allow you to get compass heading in JavaScript by PhoneGap, iOS API or GPS h...
95,5920panopsA reliable, operable, distributed, self-organizing resource management and integration ...
95,5920centamanWrapper for the Centaman Ticketing API
95,5920canpecustomizable template generator written by Ruby.
95,5920dm-is-state_machineDataMapper plugin for creating state machines
95,5920schwabsauce-merb_dm_xss_terminatePlugin that auto-sanitizes data before it is saved in your DataMapper models
95,5920studio_game_railstarWelcome to the "Knuckleheads" game, a (slightly enhanced version of the) fully function...
95,5920capistrano-twitterCapistrano recipe to send message to twitter
95,5920cli-nasaCLI interface for accessing multimedia metadata from the NASA I...
95,5920jrubyfx-fxmlloaderJRubyFX FxmlLoader gem bits
95,5920esortcodeRuby interface to eSortCode UK Account and Bank Branch validator
95,5920id2pathfor activerecord common
95,5920flowerboxPretty log debug output
95,5920rails-ujs-formUnobtrusive JS Form extensions