Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
140341-140360 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800simple-httpSimple code for simple HTTP requests
102,5800awsprofileA simple class to automate AWS profile loading
102,5800qwinix_mysoreA simple hello world gem
102,5800pinball_wizardBuild flippable features.
102,5800snake_gamePlay classic Snake game using Curses
102,5800secure_web_tokenGenerate, encrypt, and decrypt signed JSON web tokens
102,5800signalfx-mysql2-instrumentationOpenTracing instrumentation to trace queries made with Mysql2.
102,5800rspec-interactiveAn interactive console for running specs.
102,5800rubychyRuby client for the Kik Bot API
102,5800orangewire_senderSends messages to The Orangewire
102,5800ruby-pixelsRuby Pixels allows you to read and write RGB/RGBA pixel data stored in uncompressed TGA...
102,5800tools-cf-pluginCloud Foundry tooling commands.
102,5800rubycraftIt allows you to change all the blocks in region files in whatever way you see fit. Exa...
102,5800apple_cartThe first rule of the Apple Cart is... don't upset it! Inspired by the "Creating and Cu...
102,5800x11Bindings for X11
102,5800rbtrace_extendedrequire's rbtrace and optionally requires objspace and calls ObjectSpace.trace_object_a...
102,5800stellr== FEATURES: * DRb frontend * easy to use client library (see below) * multi index sea...
102,5800recurlsave the request with curl command ( rack middleware )
102,5800smithb16_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
102,5800activerecord-has_tokenUnique token strings for your activerecord models