Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141781-141800 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051praxis-docs-code-examplesCode examples for the Praxis Docs Browser
103,2051heap-helpersRails-compatible helpers for setting the heap.js snippet
103,2051musicboxAn album-based music catalog/player.
103,2051ragentWriting of agents for monitoring, chatting, ... should be easy. Ragent eases this with...
103,2051rater_pdfsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
103,2051rebusUniversal template compiler based on ruby dynamic evaluation feature. Minimalistic des...
103,2051fastlane-plugin-jira_update_ticketsUpdate status and fix version of provided jira tickets
103,2051seminarA simple hello world gem
103,2051kanwei-algorithmsA library of algorithms and containers.
103,2051mail_autoconfigDetermine configuration details for a mailbox using Mozilla's ISPDB
103,2051hostipA simple Ruby wrapper for hostip.info
103,2051hato-plugin-twitterHato plugin to send messages via Twitter
103,2051has_permissionFine grained access control based on method interception. This is a proxy that allows y...
103,2051motoneuron: Write a gem description
103,2051piglatinizeTakes a string of words delimited by spaces and transforms it into Pig Latin
103,2051platouse templates and content to generate static sites.
103,2051sealine_insuranceRuby wrapper for Sealine API
103,2051pass_attemptPassAttempt run a block depending on a custom proc.
103,2051slcspCalculate the second lowest cost silver plan
103,2051furiganaAdd furigana to text