Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141741-141760 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051sasinThis is a Ruby implementation of a converter to a universal sasin unit
103,2051ruby-treemap-forkTreemap visualization in ruby
103,2051wee-pmA web-based presentation maker and viewer using Wee
103,2051lti_twitter_engineEmbed a Twitter widget into your LMS with this LTI App.
103,2051LibrarySolutionA Ruby wrapper for TLC's Library.Solution v3.3.5 OPAC Web Services API.
103,2051geturlA simple command-line bookmarking tool, with support of external, read-only sources.
103,2051rock_pap_scissorsSimple Rock-Paper-Scissors game
103,2051murbanski-affected_on_destroyRails plugin showing which related records will be deleted from DB when :dependent =>...
103,2051sbSafe buffers for Mote
103,2051ptusYour 'ptus' typo sins will be forgiven, but not forgotten
103,2051ObjectPwnStreama Ruby implementation of Java's ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream, to ease the p...
103,2051nitro_payWith NitroPay your payments get cheaper, faster & simplified. Create your Account o...
103,2051datameterGet your ISP Internet Data Balance programmatically.
103,2051ocarinaA Ruby project that uses machine learning to perform Optical Character Recognition
103,2051davidtrogers-grit"webrat is awesome"
103,2051mastercard_crossborderMasterCard Crossborder Description
103,2051net-imap-multiappendAdd IMAP MULTIAPPEND functionality to the net-imap gem
103,2051generate_from_diffCreate a Rails 3 generator from git commit history
103,2051octogateGithub webhook proxy server. Request target is defined by Ruby DSL