Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141721-141740 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051nurettin-jruby-poiA rubyesque library for manipulating spreadsheets and other document types for jruby, u...
103,2051gorilla-capistrano-recipesThis gem allows for a clean Capfile by setting up common capistrano stuff such as Git p...
103,2051simple_imgurSuper simple gem to get Imgur public albums and images
103,2051rl_hiya_sullivan_peterDay 3 exercise for Ruby Learning
103,2051lusi_apiProvides a Ruby interface to the Lancaster University LUSI API.
103,2051mystery_shopperA Ruby wrapper for the Nintendo eShop API
103,2051gormA code-Generating Object Relational Mapper for use with Qt and SQLite.
103,2051hola_testing_gem_creationA simple hello world gem
103,2051o-inifileIniFile is a pure ruby gem that can read and write most INI file formats
103,2051icalendar-googleParse GoogleCalenders into iCalendar objects from ID or public iCal URL
103,2051pakyow-failAn failure handling library for Pakyow apps.
103,2051pontonCreat more useful output.
103,2051rack-tls_toolsA bunch of rack middlewares to enforce secure cookies and add HSTS (Strict Transport Se...
103,2051hex_extensionsUsefull methods for Ranges, Hashes. Currently no monkeypatches are performed.
103,2051rack_monitorTools for monitoring Rack apps in production.
103,2051object_id_gemTransparently store MongoDB ObjectId values in ActiveRecord.
103,2051mongrel_output_compressionA mongrel plugin to gzip or deflate compress all output if the client supports it.
103,2051my_best_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
103,2051sanger_warrenWarren provides connection pooling for RabbitMQ connections. It also adds the ability t...