Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141761-141780 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051lita-scheduleAdd base class for scheduled job(cron) to Lita
103,2051sixarm_ruby_numeric_percentNumeric#percent method to calculate a percentage
103,2051salesforce_adapterLightweight client for the salesforce API
103,2051serialnumberArithmetic on serialnumbers as described in rfc1982
103,2051protoplasm-clientThe protoplasm client.
103,2051has_alter_egohas_alter_ego makes it possible to keep seed and live data transparently in parallel. I...
103,2051hexagonaljs-railshexagonaljs Rails generator
103,2051rack-version-headerAdds an X-Version header to each response set to an arbitrary version string read from ...
103,2051itunes_store_bot[Alpha version] Get your iOS App Rating, number of votes.. from the iTunes Store
103,2051link_to_add_fieldsWhen clicked, `link_to_add_fields` will render the association's fields partial above ...
103,2051jekyll-theme-scrawlJekyll theme for written
103,2051jekyll-theme-ferrisA meetup theme.
103,2051jw_hand_dryerDry your hands from the terminal.
103,2051lita-punA Lita handler for getting puns.
103,2051od-surveysThis is a gem that allow generate survey models using pre existing models. In addition,...
103,2051slack_messengerEasy sending of Slack notifications
103,2051diffenseBundler Security
103,2051logstash-input-mixpanelThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
103,2051interactive_brokersSimple way to interact with Interactive brokers via HTTP.