Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141701-141720 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800terraforming-dnsimpleTerraforming extension for DNSimple
102,5800shiplaneConverts docker-compose.yml files into images that can be uploaded to any docker image ...
102,5800websmsbyWebsms.by API
102,5800pakyow-hamlHaml support for Pakyow Presenter
102,5800multi_movingsignCode that drives multiple MovingSign display boards in unison.
102,5800quiverQuiver is a framework for writing web APIs
102,5800altprintfA powerful printf-like template language
102,5800pokemon_translatorTranslate Japanese Pokemon Name into English.
102,5800rbscmlexA simple lexical analyzer for Scheme
102,5800rubocop-rspec-documentationLint RSpec examples embedded in Markdown files
102,5800vagrant-guest-opnsenseThis is a Vagrant plugin adding support for OPNsense guests.
102,5800nasldocnasldoc is a NASL documentation generator
102,5800socksify-aRedirect all TCPSockets through a SOCKS 4a/5 proxy
102,5800vagrant-rackspaceEnables Vagrant to manage machines in RackSpace Cloud.
102,5800piglop-prawnPrawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
102,5800sentimentA very simple to use sentiment analysis tool
102,5800ramixRamix is a command-line tool for initializing a new rails application.Just the same as ...
102,5800slack_notifieeSlackNotifiee is a gem that allows you to access the notifications from slack-notifier ...
102,5800pigeon_bandFormat year and collation sequence for pigeon bands of various countries