Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143061-143080 of all 180,716 gems.
140,8190acts_as_oauth_accessibleRails plugin that enables your models to access OAuth services
140,8190azure_mgmt_attestationOfficial Ruby client library to consume Attestation
140,8190bagibagshayA simple hello world gem
140,8190bit_toggleAn elementary feature toggle implementation
140,8190crystalscadInspired by SolidPython, based on RubyScad
140,8190etherA simple API consuming framework
140,8190conort_palindromeEducational Ruby palindrome detector
140,8190aixo_es_una_provaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
140,8190active_model-inherited_partialsA Rails Engine to let models inherit partials until overridden.
140,8190double_or_nothingFigure out the exact date that somebody is twice your age.
140,8190capybara-chromeChrome driver for capybara using remote debugging protocol.
140,8190brazilian_idBrazilian identifications like CPF, CNPJ, Título de Eleitor
140,8190call-center-apiCall and get call info
140,8190annotator_storeRails engine to implement a Ruby backend store implementation for Annotator, an open-so...
140,8190aws_helper== DESCRIPTION: Aws Helper for an instance == FEATURES: Allows functions on EBS vol...
140,8190event_emitter-with_instance_listenerRuby port of EventEmitter from Node.js
140,8190common_stylesSass stylesheets.
140,8190andrew_g_studio_game# Studio Game game # Created as an exercise for Ruby video tutorial # # Author: Andrew ...
140,8190daily_dealThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
140,8190configglerGet data from your config files in different ways