Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143081-143100 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910h2e-rbConvert HTML to ENML(Evernote Markup Language)
121,9910moip-rubyGem para utilização da API MoIP
121,9910Lorscheider_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications..
121,9910rasmA x86 assembler implemented by Ruby.
121,9910prct06_alu0100955903Practica 6 de Lenguajes y Paradigmas de la Programacion
121,9910monkey-mailerRuby email queueing system with priority handling
121,9910hflr2HFLR2 -- Hierarchical Fixed Length Records NOTE: This gem is a modification of the hfl...
121,9910privilegedSimple, explicit permissions/authorization
121,9910rack-databasesRack Middleware to easily switch databases in development
121,9910json_editor_railsThe library comes with available integration with CSS Frameworks such as bootstrap, fou...
121,9910paper_cropperIntegration with paperclip and cropper js for crop images and upload it
121,9910kennethkalmer-ruote-amqpruote-amqp provides an AMQP participant/listener pair that allows you to distribute wo...
121,9910nis-rubyRuby client library for the NEM Infrastructure Server API
121,9910file_wrapperFileWrapper is a RubyGem and Rails plugin which wraps the command line utility 'file' t...
121,9910octodoggySimple wrapper for the GitHub API
121,9910rails_admin_discardA poor implementation of custom actions of rails admin to use discard gem.
121,9910legacy_dataCreate ActiveRecord models from an existing database
121,9910opendeliveryA collection of tools that are used in the Open Delivery platform.
121,9910rackspaceRuby interface to various Rackspace Cloud APIs. Currently only the Cloud Load Balance...