Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143121-143140 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700lita-ssh-runRuns commands against remote server via ssh or winrm
38,9700hoe-rubocopThis hoe plugin extends hoe for using some rake tasks to control rubocop.
38,9700jm-calaisA Ruby interface to the Calais Web Service
38,9700arduino_ir_remoteThis Rubygem provides a wrapper for IR-Learning-Remote that has been built using the Ar...
38,9700tunnel-vmc-pluginExternal access to your services on Cloud Foundry via a Caldecott HTTP tunnel.
38,9700weak_xmlA none parsing xml library
38,9700askariAskari is a framework for authoring and deploying HBase coprocessors in jruby.
38,9700jquery-payment_lib-railsThis gem provides jQuery.payment library for using in your Rails application.
38,9700appnetaThe AppNeta gem really doesn't do anything yet.
38,9700killbill-currency-pluginCurrency Plugin based on a static currency table.
38,9700missleCommand abstraction
38,9700rails_simple_backup_restoreA simple backup/restore gem for Rails
38,9700rwdziprwdanimatedgifsrwdziprwdanimatedgifs is a animated gifs viewer using rwdtinker and RubyWebDialogs. Req...
38,9700paperclip-googledrivepaperclip-googledrive extends paperclip support of storage for google drive storage
38,9700aspose_cad_cloudThis SDK allows to work with Aspose.CAD Cloud REST API in your Ruby a...
38,9700error_mergerEnhances the Error class on ActiveModel-compliant models with merge() and full_sentence...
38,9700orange_push_smsUne gem pour envoyer des sms via l'api d'orange sénégal
38,9700as_rangeQuickly generate ranges from object methods or from procs.
38,9700motto-mysqlMotto-mysql is a complementary library to enhance 'mysql-ruby' library. It adds some me...
38,9700embulk-decoder-unzipDecodes Unzip-encoded files read by other file input plugins.