Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143101-143120 of all 180,716 gems.
140,8190chroma-jsThis Gem is made to support the use of Chroma.js library with Rails Assets
140,8190cli_miamiA feature rich alternative for `gets` and `puts` for your cli interface
140,8190elisehuard-rsamlRSAML is a SAML implementation in Ruby. RSAML currently implements the elements defined...
140,8190anotherMy new Ruby project generator
140,8190almostfuSimply warpped almost flat ui
140,8190colorme_public_apiWrite a longer description or delete this line.
140,8190codgenCodgen is a cross language, template based, code generator, capable of generating multi...
140,8190bggObject-oriented interface for interacting with Boardgamegeek API
140,8190charty-backends-jfreechartCharty JFreeChart backend adapter
140,8190codenation-jekyll-slides-themeA simple blog theme using Slides.
140,8190bratRuby client and CLI for Brat.io
140,8190angular-turbolinksRails Turbolinks + Angular
140,8190armActiveRecord Messaging
140,8190bunto-github-metadataThe site.github namespace
140,8190crypto_gostWrite a longer description or delete this line.
140,8190airAir provides a consistent interface for calling services offered over AMQP. If you're u...
140,8190acts_as_method_cacheableMake cache methods on ActiveRecord easy!
140,8190end_of_lifeSearches your GitHub repositores and lists the ones using end-of-life, i.e. unmaintaine...