Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143141-143160 of all 180,469 gems.
50,1070peerjs-railsAsset Pipline wrapper around "PeerJS"
50,1070profile_service_thrift_clientprofile_service_thrift_client is a thrift client of profile service
50,1070pagseguro_catcherThis gem provides a simple way to check and parse the PagSeguro transaction notification.
50,1070poofAn alternative to DatabaseCleaner for automatically ensuring that objects created durin...
50,1070real-growlA Growl notification library that uses native c bindings to interact with GrowlApplicat...
50,1070probe-dock-rspecRSpec client to publish test results to Probe Dock, a test tracking and analysis server.
50,1070podiumLib for podium based podlets
50,1070genieNo summary: please specify a summary in metainfo/properties.rb
50,1070chinese_zodiacA simple chinese animal horoscope gem
50,1070countries_ruAll sorts of useful information about every country in russian language. Data from http...
50,1070chaosTo be announced
50,1070activefacts-generatorsCode generators for the ActiveFacts Fact Modeling suite, including the Constellation Qu...
50,1070pwnlibLibrary used to create exploits for binaries
50,1070hanami-rethinkdbRethinkDB adapter for Hanami::Model
50,1070kawaii-apiMicro API framework to develop web applications in ruby
50,1070hello_tamaPuts 'Hello, Tama!'
50,1070spalah2017Test gem for Spalah group
50,1070gooch_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
50,1070trinidad_daemon_extensionTrinidad extension to run the Apache Tomcat server as a daemon (for Unix only).
50,1070activespAn object-oriented interface to SharePoint that uses the web services provided by Share...