Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143761-143780 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870boochtek-rails-crud_actionsProvides default CRUD actions for a Rails controller.
135,8870auspost-drcGem for AusPost Delivery Rate Calculator - Making it easy to calculate shipping
135,8870vagrant-oneandoneEnables Vagrant to manage 1&1 Cloud servers
135,8870undeliveredManages undelivered, delivered and read messages.
135,8870tag_ramaprasadThis friendly ramaprasad gives you tags in your Rails app.
135,8870collateral_cucumberRuby Gem for splitting Cucumber tests out based on tagging
135,8870book-dealsFinds and displays book deals from goodreads.
135,8870assets_offlineRails 3.1 offline cache manifest view
135,8870swakRandom tools and mixins
135,8870ticket_sharingA ruby implementation of the Networked Help Desk API
135,8870refinerycms-homepagesRuby on Rails Homepages engine for Refinery CMS
135,8870auditor_tenancyAuditor allows you to declaratively specify what CRUD operations should be audited and ...
135,8870bradMy very own gem.
135,8870bonoboA simple right_chimp
135,8870sandboxedExecute code blocks in a $SAFE environment.
135,8870service_objects_railsA lightweight, high-speed service layer for Rails applications
135,8870arwenArwen is a basic sitemap parser that auto detects sitemapindex and uses Typheous::Hydra...
135,8870sendupUpload to mongoid
135,8870bookie_accountingA simple system to consolidate and analyze process accounting records
135,8870sandmanappUse this gem to connect to the sandmanapp service. Look at the homepage to find more in...