Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143841-143860 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380berkshelf-vagrantRenamed to vagrant-berkshelf
129,5380vapir-firefoxVapir-Firefox is a library to programatically drive the Firefox browser, exposing a...
129,5380weinre-railsA Rails 3 helper for Weinre
129,5380airesis_metis_graphMy first gem
129,5380danger-xcodeprojA Danger pulgin for xcodeproj ruby gem.
129,5380trainmastertrainmaster is a Rails engine that provides JWT-based session management platform for A...
129,5380apple_reporterApple iTunes Connect Reporter
129,5380tree-sitterRuby bindings to Tree-Sitter
129,5380adhearsion-activerecordThis gem provides an Adhearsion plugin to handle the ActiveRecord and database integration
129,5380authlogic_crypto_zeroSimply way to add performance during tests execution disabling password encryption
129,5380yaml_constant_creationIn Development
129,5380ads-jekyll-themeCustom Jekyll theme for Allison Skinner's portfolio site
129,5380configuarA simple hello world gem
129,5380bixby-benchSimple benchmarking utilities that just work, right out of the box
129,5380adam-jekyllAdam is a basic Jekyll theme meant as boilerplate for more complex projects.
129,5380enju_resource_mergeMerge resource records for Next-L Enju
129,5380capitalize_ctttttA simple library that does what String.capitalize does
129,5380daylightDaylight extends Rails on the server and ActiveResource in the client to allow your...
129,5380app_builderApplication build utilities.
129,5380experiment_arguments_logLogs script execution arguments with head of argument files and standard output.