Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143801-143820 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250rack-firebaseA simple, lightweight Rack middleware to verify Firebase tokens.
68,6250ronin-code-asmronin-code-asm is a Ruby DSL for crafting Assembly programs and shellcode.
68,6250curacaoRspec extensions
68,6250esignliveA Ruby interface to the eSignLive REST API
68,6250meiroMeiro generates maps used for so-called Rogue-like games.
68,6250lita-imgflip-memesTurns chatbot input text into meme images
68,6250semantic_calendarSemantic calendar; a semantic way to build beautifully simple calendars in Rails
68,6250ghaki-reportCollection of extensions for basic reporting.
68,6250monkey_masterA tool for conveniently employing Android adb monkeys.
68,6250xdotcommer-rspec-custom-matchersDefine RSpec custom matchers in 1 line
68,6250rack-esiRack-ESI is a Nokogiri based ESI middleware implementation for Rack with support for in...
68,6250shopifunRails gem to easify a shopcart modification with ajax calls.
68,6250ff_pulseEndpoint to check the health of an application.
68,6250rack-sourceServes a file with syntax highlighting
68,6250git-pivotal-tracker-integrationProvides a set of additional Git commands to help developers when working with Pivotal ...
68,6250ruby_ICE_clientA ruby client for calling ICE - Immunization Calculation Engine (http://www.hln.com/ice/)
68,6250sidekiq-prioritized_queuesChanges your queues from FIFO to numeric priority based ones.
68,6250surbaseBase system for web services.
68,6250zeusclientClient for Cisco Zeus. This allows users to sendand receive data to and from Cisco Zeus.