Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143821-143840 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470transbankActive Merchant Integration with Transbank Webpay
75,3470jamieorc-jointMongoMapper and GridFS joined in file upload love. Updates by Jamie for EmbeddedDocumen...
75,3470gocd_pre_pushCheck GoCD pipeline status before pushing your changes to central repo
75,3470job_interviewProgrammer job interview answers, packaged for your convenience. Fibonacci, FizzBuzz, a...
75,3470king_soaCreating a SOA requires a centralized location to define all services within the SOA. K...
75,3470gl_walletA Ruby gem for wrapping GLWallet API calls.
75,3470q4mInterface to pragmatically setup a queue job for Q4M!
75,3470status_catThis engine makes monitoring the status of your Rails environment easier. It provi...
75,3470redcar-svnkitBundles the svnkit jar so Redcar can use it
75,3470hussnain_first_gemDescription of MyGem.
75,3470voteable_coreyThe best voting gem ever.
75,3470user_stampPreserve the user identity when database records are updated for tracking or audit purp...
75,3470waterslideUnix-style pipes in Ruby
75,3470ivanvc-logstash-input-s3This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
75,3470watir-ngUse AngularJS ng directives as element identifiers with watir-webdriver
75,3470rrrmateyRRRMatey is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for Riak, using the Basho Cache P...
75,3470itunes_validatoriTunes Receipt validation
75,3470sidekiq-retry-summaryYou get break down of retry queue by error messages and also direct link to view a list...
75,3470sikuli-slidesSikuli Slides allows you to execute presentation slides to interact user interfaces.
75,3470jquery-textchange-railsSimple cross browser detection of text changes for input and textarea elements using a ...