Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143781-143800 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051rnotifyUsing NotifyOSD system in Ubuntu to display Rails logger messages and TDD/BDD messages
103,2051crankRSS, HTML and Email output from SVN repository logs with Ruby
103,2051qmk-cliA cli wrapper for QMK Firmware
103,2051isohunt-essearch movies on isohunt.com and subtitles (in spanish) in subdivx.com
103,2051gemfile_beautifyA simple for beautify your Gemfile
103,2051slow_blinkBlink Protocol in Ruby
103,2051getto-rodaThe web app entry point helper
103,2051money-distributedMoney gem extension for distributed systems
103,2051extoptparseExtended Ruby's OptionParser with grouping of options.
103,2051mc_duckUploads command outputs to s3.
103,2051rack_utmUrchin Tracking Module for rack application.
103,2051lullA simple wrapper for rest-client
103,2051jekyll-theme-chaosA jekyll theme created for the Defund Climate Chaos day of action, designed for use wit...
103,2051rails_mvp_authenticationRails authentication via a generator.
103,2051rchilli_rubyRchilli is used to parse documents like resumes.
103,2051gem_checksValidate your Gemfile.lock against Gemnasium.
103,2051giovanigenerali-gemtestA simple gem that says hello to the world!
103,2051hola_galfusA simple hello world gem
103,2051rapidmango-eventsClient API for events web service