Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143881-143900 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700saWrite a longer description. Optional.
38,9700lita-heroku-keepaliveBased on hubot-heroku-keepalive, to keep Heroku's free tire live
38,9700declineBuild lightweight, modular, testable command line apps.
38,9700voteable_kenta voting gem for tealeaf academy
38,9700codeclimate-yamlCode Climate YAML parser
38,9700coffee_router_railssimple coffee router like a rails
38,9700wechat-bot2WeChat Bot for Ruby with personal account
38,9700nanoc-algoliaIndex items from nanoc site to algolia
38,9700kangoroo_robotRobot game controlled by giving him commands through the STDIN
38,9700roo-hasherizeMeaningful spreadsheet access
38,9700tynnThin library to create web applications
38,9700less_interactionsless_interactions lets you structure your Rails applications in a saner way thanks to t...
38,9700it_is_meThis gem extends the Knock gem and also manages the CRUD of the users
38,9700minitest-vwMakes your failing Minitest test cases succeed under CI tools scrutiny.
38,9700oeh-clientA simple set of classes that allow access to Interactions, Documents, and Structures fr...
38,9700padA light weight framework for supporting Ports & Adapters designs with Domain Driven...
38,9700lofisLofis is a small helper to fix lexicographical order for international sorting.
38,9700awsnapAWSnap signs your AWS requests for you. No request processing, no response handling, no...
38,9700hq-webHQ web framework
38,9700rackspaceRuby interface to various Rackspace Cloud APIs. Currently only the Cloud Load Balance...