Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143861-143880 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800beaker-digitaloceanPuppetlabs accceptance testing harness, using Digital Ocean as a hypervisor
102,5800orphanageA simple library for storing temporary orphan records.
102,5800adventHave fun with the Advent of Code using Ruby.
102,5800adamsanderson-lexeryAn enteraining word game
102,5800raqueRun Rake tasks via a Resque worker. Rails startup is slow, hence Rake is too. It's alre...
102,5800yandex_detectoryandex_detector is a gem, wich uses Yandex.Detector API to detect via request's headers...
102,5800omniauth-prxPRX strategy for OmniAuth using OAuth2
102,5800object-inA monkeypatch on Object which adds the instance method "in?", which is Array#include? w...
102,5800record-collectionExposing ActiveRecord::Relations from your controllers to views is bad for business. As...
102,5800wellreadAn awesome gem
102,5800schoefmax-warrenLibrary for pushing messages onto and off RabbitMQ queues
102,5800talking-capistranoCapisrano task to notify start|end|erros of a capistrano deploy execution
102,5800openstax_cnxBindings to fetch and inspect CNX books
102,5800sieve-parsersieve-parser is a pure-ruby implementation for parsing and manipulate the sieve sc...
102,5800verbVerb is Rack middleware that serves RHTML files.
102,5800router-visualizerShows an NFA visualization of a rails application's router
102,5800yammer_apiRuby wrapper for Yammer API, using OAuth 2.0
102,5800puppet-lint-class_alignment-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check & fix class params/equals alignment.
102,5800thundersvmHigh performance parallel SVMs for Ruby