Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144501-144520 of all 180,660 gems.
113,0301rsugarRSugar allows you to execute R language commands from Ruby. It wraps rserve_client gem...
113,0301multi_translateA library which allows to translate a text between two languages and using multiple tra...
113,0301grenouilleAutomatically detect Swift versions from source code.
113,0301lita-onewheel-iouHandles beer IOUs.
113,0301purging-imagesIf you need to remove or update an image on imgix, you can purge it from our caches.
113,0301zhalo_calculatorThis four function calculator can be run from the command line. Enter commands and the...
113,0301active_remote-bulkBulk methods for ActiveRemote
113,0301instancizeTurn your local variables into instance variables!
113,0301nele-cliCommand line interface for nele gem ### Instalation: $ gem install nele-cli ### ...
113,0301xrdAn XRD parser and generator for Ruby.
113,0301vampireA Ruby implementation of the visitor pattern
113,0301module_plusTo include/extend utilites for ruby "Module" or "Class".
113,0301metamonUtility of meta tag
113,0301linkedList_Rudolf"Osea, es la práctica 11
113,0301alderA library for transforming hashes
113,0301omniauth-slack_signinOmniAuth strategy for Signin with Slack
113,0301aleksi-hassleMakes SASS less of a hassle on read-only filesystems by compiling and serving it up for...
113,0301active_accessAccess control for ActiveModel/ActiveRecord attributes
113,0301retireeA gem wrapper around retire.js
113,0301martial_artsprovides info for a martial art's style.