Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144481-144500 of all 180,660 gems.
113,0301thoughtbot-quietbacktrace-quiet_backtraceQuiet Backtrace suppresses the noise in your Test::Unit backtrace. It also provides hoo...
113,0301fluent-plugin-riak2Riak 2.x plugin for Fluent event collector
113,0301voluntary_georeferencingDraft: plugin for crowdsourcing management system voluntary about associating a data re...
113,0301goose_gameImplementation of the Goose Game code kata
113,0301s5Secure Sync to Amazon S3.
113,0301venice-bnetiTunes In-App Purchase Receipt Verification
113,0301activerecord_lookup_or_initializeActiveRecord::Relation extension, find object in collection if it exists or build new one
113,0301jwagener-multipart-postUse with Net::HTTP to do multipart form posts. IO values that have #content_type, #ori...
113,0301mikanBackend application for managing Rails application.
113,0301omniauth-ihealthOmniAuth strategy for iHealth.com.
113,0301albanpeignier-geokit-railsGeo distance calculations, distance calculation query support, geocoding for physical a...
113,0301futatsunagenerate Japanese Futatsuna
113,0301jquery-datatables-date-deThis gem allows you to include the German Datesorting plugin needed to sort German form...
113,0301renzel_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
113,0301fs-watchScript to watch files and directories for changes and execute a command. (OSX Only) ...
113,0301rack-staticifierStaticly cache requests to any Rack application - perfect for creating static sites/blo...
113,0301TinyScienceScience should be for ruby too.
113,0301stingrayStingray gem for interfacing with the Riverbed Stingray loadbalancers.