Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144521-144540 of all 180,660 gems.
113,0301usb-detection-sensorDetect USB devices when being connected and update a GOM sensor node accordingly....
113,0301rspec-fuuuOutputs FUUUU for consecutive failures in RSpec test runs.
113,0301plumbus_httpAn http driver for plumbus
113,0301ayanamiA Telegram Bot API that focuses on simplicity
113,0301gem_demoVideo & Coffee
113,0301solidus_liquidSolidus extension for using Shopify liquid theme files
113,0301jkinner_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
113,0301alexa_card_readerMake better cards for the Alexa App.
113,0301god-sns-contactA God::Contacts class for Amazon's Simple Notification Service (SNS)
113,0301NextNumbernext number
113,0301akane-imkayacstorage plugin for akane | sends matched tweets to im.kayac
113,0301rack-session-rethinkdbProvides a rack session middleware to store sessions in a RethinkDB table.
113,0301marathon-rubyNo dependencies other than standard library
113,0301lita-jankyLita handler for GitHub's Janky
113,0301kitchen-marathonA Test Kitchen Driver for Marathon
113,0301alexa_request_verifierThis gem is designed to work with Sinatra applications that serve as back-ends for Amaz...
113,0301streadbeck_view_toolProvides generated HTML for Rails applicaions.
113,0301alexa_discovery_gameMake a discovery game for Alexa!
113,0301omniauth-mspcfoAn OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for MSPCFO.
113,0301net-tocA ruby library which uses the TOC protocol to connect to AOL's instant messaging network.