Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144881-144900 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840wolSend Wake-On-LAN magic packets from Ruby or from CLI
143,3840thoughtbot-capistranoCapistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...
143,3840mewmew is a distributed media exchange format. This tool pacakges files up and starts dis...
143,3840trainwreckMRuby FRM
143,3840youtubesearchresultscraperThis gem provide function to scrape html of search result on youtube
143,3840modaldiagramsmodaldiagrams provides Rake tasks for diagramming ActiveRecord databases. It generates ...
143,3840omniauth-kindful-userOmniAuth strategy for Kindful User.
143,3840middleman-packagerConfigurable post-build archiver for Middleman builds.
143,3840tkn2tkn2 is a terminal based presentation tool based on fxn's tkn
143,3840threedaymonk-ruby-mysqlPure Ruby MySQL
143,3840thumblemonks-protestAn extremely fast, expressive, and context-driven unit-testing framework. A replacement...
143,3840nagios_plugin_basenagios plugin base class.
143,3840variantableThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
143,3840vagrant_cmdvagrant plugin. add `cmd` sub-command. The `cmd` command run cmd.exe on host machin...
143,3840mapmy-railsEasy http://openlayers.org/ maps in rails.
143,3840vim-bundlerThis gem provides a simple way to manage your vim bundles (aka plugins). If you are fam...
143,3840mediaburst-railsMediaburst SMS API for Rails
143,3840merb_globalLocalization (L10n) and Internationalization (i18n) support for the Merb MVC Framework