Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145241-145260 of all 180,660 gems.
113,0301shin-webpackerthin and 'shin' webpack integration to rails app.
113,0301spree_yoda_themeHelper for yoda theme
113,0301yamiYaml persisted config
113,0301wildcatMuch longer explanation of the example!
113,0301foreman_snapshotPlugin to enable snapshots on Openstack/EC2/oVirt/etc
113,0301gfuncA collection of utilities optionally provided as top-level methods
113,0301lurryFast and easy hash mutation
113,0301mapitVery, very simple gem that provides a helper to show a map of the specified address usi...
113,0301ar-tsvectorsSupport for PostgreSQL's ts_vector data type in ActiveRecord. Perfect for indexing tags...
113,0301nulogy-poirotmustaches are cool
113,0301webget_spreadsheet_import_export_helpersWebGet spreadsheet_import_export_helpers gem: parsers and prettifiers for spreadsheets
113,0301capistrano-ec2_taggedGet ip addresses of AWS EC2 instances filtered by their tags.
113,0301taf2-rmemMeasure approximate process memory
113,0301lecture7A longer description that we don't need right now.
113,0301GallmanViewToolprovides generated HTML data for Rails Application
113,0301nimbler-pathReplace File and Path methods with Nim alternatives for speed
113,0301semanticmodelSemantic Model
113,0301auth-sliceMerb Slice that provides user authentication
113,0301rl_hiya_loeffler_davidThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
113,0301vcs_clientThis gem provides all the plumbing to interact with the Voter Checkout Service