Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145181-145200 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731LrcReportCreate and Send Chef execution report to LRC
110,9731sethwalker-chronicA natural language date parser with timezone support
110,9731sethyates-sethyates-content_managerSimple Content Manager
110,9731passeComing soon
110,9731deploykuDeploy applications using git with zero down time
110,9731podcastsExtract podcast and episode information from iTunes podcast feeds
110,9731rankstarRuby library to get the ranking of a url based on a keyword in Bing, Yahoo or Google
110,9731cached-modelsCachedModels provides to your ActiveRecord models a transparent approach to use ActiveS...
110,9731poliAPI to integrate POLi payment gateway -- http://www.polipayments.com
110,9731ochoReads a file, guesses the charset and converts to utf-8
110,9731api_tommyThis generator takes one or several classes with comments formatted in TomDoc and spits...
110,9731artsciiPrints out simple ascii art figures.
110,9731beachballAn small pinwheel, rotating infinitely in the blackness of space despite the absence of...
110,9731allmenusA ruby client for the allmenus API
110,9731doctorsClient Gem for the NHS.uk organisation API tailored around searching for GP practices.
110,9731seven1m-prawn_template_handlerUber simple template handler for Prawn views in Rails
110,9731kajaprismRefracting ruby logic into CQL.
110,9731delta_forceDeltaForce lets you use Postgres 8.4+ window functions with ActiveRecord
110,9731rack-app-foundationZurb Foundation For Rack::App Micro framework
110,9731activerecord_unitwiseActiveRecord extensions for Unitwise.