Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145161-145180 of all 182,392 gems.
58,7971rikiMediaWiki client
58,7971elsaElsa is a markup language inspired by Mardown.
58,7971math_statistics_array_methodsWill provide a set of methods for the arrays to do statistics math.
58,7971vcr-remote-controllerA remote control for your VCR cassettes
58,7971transformersAn extension to hash to allow various transformations using simple DSL. Also has option...
58,7971kevinthompsonAn alias for the kevin_thompson gem.
58,7971sixarm_ruby_rexml_element_new_with_optionsSixArm.com » Ruby » REXML::Element.new_with_options methods
58,7971minidslMini DSL Framework for trans-generating
58,7971currency_layer_apiCurrency Layer API is a light wrapper for currencylayer.com API for Rubyists. It gives ...
58,7971json_watchsmall utility to watch json changes
58,7971csv_searchA simple CSV search
58,7971fast_fuzzy_matcherA tiny and blazing-fast fuzzy search in pure Ruby with FFI bindings to Go.Fuzzy searchi...
58,7971omniauth-riskalyzeRiskalyze strategy for OmniAuth v1.2
58,7971rrxcellStandardize of operation manner for reading Excel files(.xls, .xlsx).
58,7971currency_converter_3000Helper for currency conversion.
58,7971mn_utils_gemMumsnet utils gem for microservices
58,7971chrisk-fakewebA tool for faking responses to HTTP requests
58,7971test_friendlyGem for turning off validations and callbacks in test environment
58,7971fastlane-plugin-gitlab_increate_line_notesfilter gitlab merge request changes files & swiftlint json, last add line code with git...
58,7971micro_cmsProvides a cms block which can be edited inline