Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145261-145280 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840twitter_friendsA simple gem to find retrieve all people a specified Twitter user is following
143,3840webficient-browsercmsBrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS), writt...
143,3840webget-activerecord_memoize_class_methodsActiveRecord will extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable for class methods
143,3840annotator-railsThis is a Gem to wrap the JavaScript Annotator library
143,3840tokeneyesA simple string tokenizer designed to capture punctuation and sentence flow information.
143,3840nelsonThis library provides a flient API to write math expressions that can be manipulated an...
143,3840uyirmeiExperimental programming language in Tamizh
143,3840mspire-massmspire library for mass calculations. Mainly holds constants for simple lookup.
143,3840webget-active_record_memoize_instance_methodsActiveRecord will extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable for instance methods
143,3840turtlelinksEasily remove turbolinks from your Rails app.
143,3840livedataUsing the livedata plugin, we can implement application like chat, status monitoring, etc.
143,3840tm-flaggedDo not create more boolean fields :)
143,3840ohm-find_byA simple way of having a find_by implementation in Ohm
143,3840warden-passportAuthenticate into Node.js Passport-Local Mongoose apps from your Ruby frontend.
143,3840activerabbitRabbitMQ publishers & consumers in a rails-inspired syntax
143,3840loyalgood site
143,3840xpflowExperiment workflow engine
143,3840webget-enumerable_extendRuby Enumerable base class extensions
143,3840webget-erb_util_extensionsRails ERB Util extensions for outputting HTML tags
143,3840bjclark-facebooker2Facebook Connect integration library for ruby and rails