Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145201-145220 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470sumodev_deployDeploy to Sumocoders Dev server
75,3470orangutanYet another test spy style mocking library that happens to support clr testing via iron...
75,3470myobie-memcache-clientA Ruby-based memcached client library
75,3470queue_clientA client for Viki's queue
75,3470hcaCompiles HAML CoffeScript templates into a client-side JavaScript code
75,3470UnthrottleCentralized rate limiting for multiple web servies, using Redis.
75,3470octranspo_fetchA simple wrapper around the OC Transpo API with some minimal caching.
75,3470wallWall is rack middleware that blocks requests
75,3470shipping-scaleA simple Ruby API wrapper for the USPS price calculator API
75,3470wit-ruby2A simple library for interacting with wit.ai -- will expand as the api does
75,3470libsshRuby binding for libssh.
75,3470sinatra-silentSilence Sinatra output
75,3470steleThis gem defines a schema-generation syntax which outputs JSON. The JSON document is th...
75,3470hola_harashoA simple hello world gem
75,3470geriRails based CMS
75,3470sramir60-rubycalcAn calculator implementation on ruby
75,3470redis-dequeAdds Redis::Deque class which can be used as Distributed-Deque based on Redis. Redi...
75,3470thecore_backend_commonsWrapper to keep all the common libraries and setups needed by Thecore UI Backend(s).
75,3470gitlab-mergetrain-checkerA command line tool to check the status of a merge train in gitlab
75,3470hosthomeCreado para poder hacer host en HostHome