Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146341-146360 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700ork-timestampsAdd the clasic timestamps :created_at, :updated_at to the Ork::Documents
38,9700alejoWrite a longer description. Optional.
38,9700settings_specVerifies the configurations against the specifications in a YAML file
38,9700rolldayAdd Rollbar to Faraday middleware easily and customizable
38,9700satoki_clisatoki cli
38,9700unflatA gem that provides a client interface for the Unflat service
38,9700guachimanMinimal authorization library
38,9700secure_confTo encrypt the configuration value.
38,9700hacker_rank_pioneer_gemproviding hacker rank solutions
38,9700sobakasu-image_scienceImageScience is a clean and happy Ruby library that generates thumbnails -- and kicks t...
38,9700slugaliciousSlugalicious adds simple and powerful slugging to your ActiveRecord models.
38,9700json_data_extractorjson_data_extractor makes it easy to extract data from complex JSON structures, such as...
38,9700fluent-plugin-webhook-githubfluentd input plugin for receive GitHub webhook
38,9700erp_tech_svcsThis engine is implemented with the premise that services like logging, tracing and enc...
38,9700share_learningExtracts course's titles, descriptions, images and links from Coursera and Udacity. And...
38,9700active_denormalizeDescription of ActiveDenormalize.
38,9700paymob_rubyRuby bindings for the Paymob API.
38,9700tilt-prawntilt-prawn integrates prawn with tilt
38,9700grafterThis gem bundles layered instances to tree structured instances.
38,9700magnews-rubyUnofficial Magnews REST API ruby interface