Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146421-146440 of all 182,960 gems.
59,0250ebutilutility script for eekboek - converts bank transaction export to eb script
59,0250qfsClient bindings for Quantcast File System, a distributed filesystem.
59,0250commonsenseValidate text against the commonsense spec to resist authorship analysis.
59,0250kiqrKIQR is a Rails engine that provides a solid foundation for building SaaS applications.
59,0250jwilkins-spamsumWrapper for spamsum
59,0250lacquerRails drop in for Varnish support.
59,0250rabbit-slide-kenhys-tokyodebian-lintian-howto-202112Tokyo Debian Lintian Howto 202112
59,0250drnic-mechanical_githubThis gem provides a automated API for working with github.
59,0250smscountryA ruby class to send SMS using SMS COuntry API
59,0250fluent-plugin-user-agent-parserFluentd filter plugin to parse user-agent
59,0250worldsA text-based world simulation and role-playing game toolkit.
59,0250vfs-momologfork of https://github.com/alexeypetrushin/vfs.git
59,0250basic_serviceSimple class for a simple service object implementation.
59,0250pdf-stamperSuper cool PDF templates using iText's PdfStamper. == CAVEAT: Anything super cool mus...
59,0250data_typesA Ruby gem that adds new object types like pairs and triplets.
59,0250which_twittersome description
59,0250mask_sqlMaskSQL is a command-line tool to mask sensitive values in a SQL file
59,0250skeleSkele is a simple command line too to build directory structures based on template dire...
59,0250secure_routesRouting-level ssl support for ruby application actions