Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146401-146420 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220rss_items_notifierCreate RssNotifier::Listener for your targets or use rss_items_notifier application!
97,7220impositionnUp & booklets
97,7220crummy-schema-dot-orgCrummy Schema.org is an extension to original crummy gem supporting schema.org type
97,7220robson_view_toolOutputs generated HTML data for Rails application
97,7220ruby_grammar_builderA library to generate textmate grammars
97,7220proc2jsona dug up gem
97,7220histocaneSimple histograms using cane
97,7220rstukCommon library for kiwi_spec and studio_spec
97,7220sentiwordnet_rubyA simple SentiWordNet utility for Ruby
97,7220saftSAF-T parser and writer
97,7220ppe-postgis-adapterExecute PostGIS functions on Active Record
97,7220tf2rThis gem provides a utility for performing various tasks with tf2r.com.
97,7220rsystemRSystem simply executes a system() call but it also echoes the command that it is about...
97,7220ok_nokA utility for adding a variant of functional-style Either return values to Ruby code.
97,7220misoniMagical login to the Zokei Network. This was named by Saba no Misoni.
97,7220the_one_apiAn Ruby gem providing an SDK for interacting with The One API
97,7220hive-stalkerBinding to Natural Selection 2's Hive2 ELO system
97,7220hubrelRuby gem for a highly-opinionated GitHub release workflow.
97,7220pingtestA simple pong on ping test gem
97,7220miauMIAU (MIcro AUthorization) provides some helpers which raises an exception if a given u...