Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146361-146380 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840casbahA CAS server Rails engine
143,3840jtor-stdlibThis gem will be included on the Gemfile of your translated JtoR project
143,3840loan_creator_webView for loan_creator gem
143,3840yaYa is a simple authentication system which uses a YAML flat file to store directory info.
143,3840wfl_simple_activity简易的采用public activity记录数据变化的gem
143,3840videosA collection of videos is a directory (the container) containing both video files and d...
143,3840oagmanaging paperclip attachment limits
143,3840montocMonospace Text Document: convert any plain text to rectangularized text (same number o...
143,3840normalize_railsNormalize.css makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with mod...
143,3840yt_data_apiCreate a new instance of YtDataApi::YtDataApiClient passing user ...
143,3840new_responds_to_parentAdds responds_to_parent to your controller to respond to the parent document of your pa...
143,3840mongo_mapper_versionedVersioned plugin for MongoMapper
143,3840the-LHandful collection of fnuctions and classes that helps debug you app. It's my personal ...
143,3840which_dayPrint which day in a year , and which week in a year
143,3840nanospecA simple Unit Testing Framework that speaks native Ruby
143,3840timelapsifyA tool for creating timelapses by generating screenshots using common utilities like sc...
143,3840novekuA set of heroku aliases meant to speed up heroku interaction when dealing with multilpl...
143,3840windyWindy is a Ruby module that allows you to easily interact with the City of Chicago's Da...
143,3840livefyreLivefyre Ruby utility classes