Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146441-146460 of all 180,716 gems.
140,8190bullseyeImplement DOM-ready execution in Rails using the Asset Pipeline.
140,8190arithmosConverts numbers to greek numerals.
140,8190aozora_ziptool to handle zip file archived in aozorabunko
140,8190chan_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
140,8190fast_multi_jsonAdapterless multi-JSON encoder/decoder
140,8190easy_findA thin wrapper of *nix find command
140,8190eltaninA simple driver to access to Eltanin
140,8190cwys_mega_lotto根据 build a ruby gem 这本书上的例子写成
140,8190dante-editor-seodante-editor yet another Medium editor clone.
140,8190define_columnsdefine_columns allows you to add, hide, customize the output of your columns
140,8190dtasFree Software command-line tools for audio playback, mastering, and whatever else relat...
140,8190detachA mixin which separates method definitions by argument types, effectively allowing C++ ...
140,8190api-modelAPI model is a simple wrapper for interacting with external APIs. It tries to make it v...
140,8190ddollar-albinoAlbino is an interface to the Python-based Pygments library. The code was all written b...
140,8190brienw-linkedinRuby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
140,8190embulk-output-pixelaDumps records to Pixela.
140,8190detroit-dnoteDNote plugin for Detroit build system. Extract devleoper's notes from source in documen...
140,8190devbarRack middleware to output a bar showing environment
140,8190aozoragenScraping some Ebook web site and generating AOZORA format text files.