Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146521-146540 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220rumour-rubyUse rumour-ruby to communicate with Rumour REST API
97,7220rack_lineprofRack middleware for rblineprof (github.com/tmm1/rblineprof)
97,7220crud_inspectorKeeps a record of recent CRUD transactions by REST or SOAP protocol
97,7220oversip_pOverSIP is an async SIP proxy/server programmable in Ruby language. Some features of Ov...
97,7220authA high performance OAuth2 authorization server using Sinatra and Redis, inspired by Res...
97,7220new_edenInterface to the EveOnline API
97,7220redis_queueA redis-based queue
97,7220bundler-squashbundle squash
97,7220simp-testtest gem for CI
97,7220memcached_cliMemcached command line tool
97,7220qa-ctx-backend-helperThis gem helps to use the ctx backend tool manage lessons and sessions.
97,7220silkscreenCommand line utility to take screenshots
97,7220nuodbAn easy to use database API for the NuoDB distributed database.
97,7220ruby-appraiserRun multiple code-quality tools against staged changes
97,7220rubymotionrFind rubymotion projects within a directory
97,7220rubot-baseRubot is a library for creating bots for MediaWiki projects (i.e. Wikipedia). This gem ...
97,7220stuntedSupport code for functional programming
97,7220test16_gemThis is my first test gem
97,7220skypescraperImport conversations and messages from a Skype database with ruby!
97,7220tinymce_hammerTinyMCE Hammer makes its easy to use the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor inside a Ruby On Ra...