Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146541-146560 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220authinatorSingle-Sign-On for the front and rails backend of a Single-Page-App
97,7220starwarsA Ruby interface to the awesome swapi.co api, it matches each api with a resource and m...
97,7220rx-rspecWriting specs for reactive streams is tricky both because of their asynchronous nature ...
97,7220otpAn implementation of HOTP (RFC4226) and TOTP (RFC6238).
97,7220netologiestRuby API client for Netology
97,7220basic-lstmA basic LSTM package
97,7220opulent-sinatraOpulent is an intelligent Templating Engine created to speed up web development through...
97,7220tildeathAn esoteric language interpreter for the imminently deceased.
97,7220spree_yoda_themeHelper for yoda theme
97,7220paysurean gem cover getpaysure.com api
97,7220cache_key_forHow to design a perfect cache key? This project's goal is to provide a bulletproof solu...
97,7220paypal_clientFaraday based API client for the PayPal REST API. Includes support for saving the authe...
97,7220mixmaxA ruby wrapper around MixMax's API
97,7220ruby_certisign_loginA Gem possui um helper para gerar o formulario que envia o request de certificados a Ce...
97,7220inspec-objectsLibrary that provides an API for programmatically creating InSpec profiles
97,7220capistrano-file_dbCapistrano plugin that easies handling database files on production.
97,7220rails_2_preloadThe purpose of Rails2Preload is to optimize testing with Spin and Rails 2. It does thi...
97,7220treelineTurns indented-line input into a tree structure.
97,7220ractor_mgra job queue and monitor for Ractors