Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146581-146600 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220ruby-drupal-hashBasic replication of Drupal's hash routine in Ruby
97,7220sluggitA cool gem for slugifying models.
97,7220sunlight-apiGem for interacting with various Sunlight Foundation APIs
97,7220simple_audit_trailA simple audit trail for your ActiveRecord model, with a minimum of fuss. stores a ...
97,7220rspec-lennyA gem that changes the default rspec format to be slightly more interesting.
97,7220autocomplete_railsEasily use jQuery UI's autocomplete widget with Rails applications.
97,7220swift-toolsA suite of tools for managing and converting to Swift source code, including space/tab ...
97,7220peatio-nemPeatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube
97,7220proximaProxima is a gem the provides models for use with REST endpoints. These models are base...
97,7220random-word-generatorGenerate a string composed of one or many dictionary words. You can specify the amount ...
97,7220braspagAccess the Braspag webservices using Ruby
97,7220mumuki-qsim-runnerQsim Runner for Mumuki
97,7220secretkeeperToken based authentication
97,7220mysterious_traveller_test_gem_flextest gem
97,7220autocopperThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
97,7220rezzza_capistrano_tools- Vaultage integration - Apc cache clear before symlink - Diffs between local and remote
97,7220inuit_railsWapper of inuit.css for rails applications
97,7220suv_mukThis will not perform any special tasks.
97,7220rubygems-isitrubiniusLets you figure out if your gems and gems you install might work on Rubinius. Uses htt...
97,7220testml-commandRun TestML as a general purpose programming language.