Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146501-146520 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220ramaze.ch.oddb.org* ch.oddb.org running on Ramaze
97,7220rubocop-postgresql_cursorEnforce usage of the postgresql_cursor gem in Rails projects.
97,7220chirrin-chirrion-adminProvides a simple interface to magange toggles with Chirrin Chirrion
97,7220meta-buildBiblioteca Ruby para extração de meta-informações dos artefatos de construção do SIC.
97,7220rack-simple_csrfA simpler CSRF middleware for Rack.
97,7220nysol-zddnysol zdd package
97,7220californiaSee https://github.com/halo/california
97,7220blocklyBlockly provides an ability to run Google Blockly XML directly and communicate with you...
97,7220city_pickerRails gem to select chinese area, eg province, city, district and county.
97,7220morActive Model extension for storing data in memcached
97,7220rspec-mocks-call-throughAdds call-through support for rspec stubs
97,7220NewKSThis ruby gem is a simple command line interface (CLI) to access the top 20 newest proj...
97,7220ConstraintSolverA solver for constraint satisfaction and constrained optimisation problems.
97,7220inotify-ffi-devffi interface for inotify
97,7220obiQuickly start Ruby (or Javascript) katas.
97,7220poseidon_hashRuby implementation of Poseidon hash function
97,7220thruPipe a string through a shell command.
97,7220regionsPre-built Rails model with all Regions from Carmen.
97,7220sharp_office_bruceConvert office document to pdf and swf
97,7220robitLike Robut, but better and pronounced correctly.