Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146621-146640 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220config_envConfigurate ENV with Ruby syntax. Upload to Heroku
97,7220rails_generators_test_case_modulesBackports for Rails::Generator::TestCase helper modules for Rails 3.2
97,7220node-compilerCompiler for Node.js which compiles your project into a single executable.
97,7220sendgrid-mailerUse the sendgrid templating system
97,7220autometal-growlCreates a Growl notification with a custom title and body.
97,7220raincoatEasily define git-hooks that can be passed with your project
97,7220pelle-oauth-pluginRails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider or Consumer
97,7220redisrankA Redis-backed ranking storage and querying library written in Ruby.
97,7220tag_alongTags a text with arbitrary tags based on array of start/end o...
97,7220pencilGraphite dashboard frontend
97,7220opal-virtual-domvirtual-dom wrapper for opal
97,7220cloudflare_localizableIf you're using CloudFlare you can easily get the location of your requests ...
97,7220stuartambient_view_toolJust outputs name and year and copyright symbol
97,7220rubyrawDecode raw file of Digital camera with dcraw as ruby gem. If you want to decode, please...
97,7220riemann-elasticsearchSubmits elasticsearch stats to riemann.
97,7220chock_a_blockSolution to chock_a_block
97,7220build_watcherMonitors the build status of projects on http://codefumes.com and sends out notificatio...
97,7220screen-objectPage Object like DSL for testing mobile application
97,7220switch_dbThis cli provides a way to load/dump database in development environment
97,7220rpg-promptPrompt that facilitates the management of characters and actions in a Role Playing Game...