Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146681-146700 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430factor-connector-chefFactor.io Connector for Chef
131,2430bungie_sdkIncomplete, WIP, unofficial Ruby SDK for the Bungie API.
131,2430barking_iguana-otkStop re-inventing the wheel. I write this code quite a lot when I'm working with Ruby.
131,2430watizzleSizzle.js locator engine for Watir
131,2430dead_cssList potentially unused css selectors in a project
131,2430embulk-decoder-lzoDecodes Lzo-encoded files read by other file input plugins.
131,2430coplandCopland is an "Inversion of Control" (IoC, also called "Dependency Injec...
131,2430dragongoserverThe dragongoserver gem allows you to use the Go Server (http://www.dragongoserver.net) ...
131,2430ennuiEnnui provides a library of predicates which return true at various frequencies.
131,2430castanet-testingContains Rake tasks for managing CAS servers in test environments
131,2430browseOpen Mechanize pages in a (human-readable) browser
131,2430enviadoA ruby wrapper for the envoy proxy
131,2430fastlane-plugin-rescan_flaky_testsRe-run `scan` action for each failed test cases.
131,2430fastlane-plugin-jira_transitionsRuns transitions for specified JIRA tickets
131,2430dry-factsEventSourcing toolkit, based on dry-rb.
131,2430vigiaTest your Apiary Blueprint specification on ruby
131,2430drg_blog_news_forumDRG CMS: drg_blog_news_forum plugin implements basic funcionality for enabling blog, ne...
131,2430active-redisEasy datamapper methods to use redis in rails
131,2430collectd-rest-serverServers a REST interface exposing data from RRD files stored by Collectd
131,2430elf-mithrilIn Soviet Russia, Mithril forges Elf