Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
148061-148080 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171param_sfoA simple parser utility for param.sfo
147,2171string-stats-dfAdds analysis methods of word_count and more to the String class.
147,2171admin_widgetsSuper Awesome Admin Widgets
147,2171ruby-adtA small fast library for reading Advantage Database Server database files (ADT).
147,2171sdague-net-ldapThis project will be the focus of development for a pure Ruby LDAP environment. A full-...
147,2171weather_alert_mbjThe user enters a US state or territory and the gem returns a list of weather alerts. T...
147,2171rad-railsGem for RAD on Rails.
147,2171bhmModular hash validation
147,2171discorditdiscordit - coming soon
147,2171ws-foreignerAdds helpers to migrations and dumps foreign keys to schema.rb
147,2171cli-tool-exampleExample of cli tool developed and published as ruby gem.
147,2171retrying_s3_clientWraps Aws::S3::Client with a exponential backoff for 503 responses
147,2171redshift_iron_workerHelper methods for using Redshift on Iron.io IronWorker
147,2171anjouRemote pair programming made super easy
147,2171toshokanA library of various Rails Administration Abstractions and Components.
147,2171docgenGenerate documents in various formats based on standard boilerplate and custom content.
147,2171defrostFrozen objects: hard to use, can't mutate them, boring. Defrosted objects: exciting, dy...
147,2171ttynameruby-ttyname adds one method (ttyname) for use with any IO instance for a TTY device.
147,2171ruboty-ehonMemorize your EHON (picture book) when you read, and recommend EHON.
147,2171testingthenewapihjpleaseworkpleaseSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC